Visual/UI Design: DLs, Nav items, schedules, search and LIVE features for all NBCUniversal TVE network sites
Featured Project Image


Digital Distribution needed to update their NBCU streaming sites for a better user experience.

Navigation problems, hidden video content, a poor mobile experience, and outdated branding contributed to the clunky and obsolete functionality across the sites. During this time, The TVE Player and the TVE MVPD Overlays were also undergoing redesigns, and the full sites required a similar refresh.

A content-first approach highlighted video, promotions, and other marketing content on the homepages by using large-scale dynamic leads with smaller-sized headers. Simplified site navigation made VOD content and network information easily accessible. Live video was promoted and accessible throughout the site. Schedules highlighted actionable watching preferences (both digitally and broadcast). Metadata that had been underused and was now visual on the front end. Branding and logos were updated and visually aligned with each network for a seamless experience across all platforms.

These designs were a short-term fix to avoid a costly front and backend redesign. A full-site overhaul plan was in the planning stage (see TVE Next Gen). But until then, these updates would help keep NBCU on par with emerging competitive streaming services.

Before Redesign

Original Schedule, Shows, Home
Three comps showcasing possible visual and content directions

Syfy Now Redesign (DL)

DL Live Desktop - Countdown, Video Progression Bar, Watch TV Menu, Full Schedule Menu
Four instances of Live states on homepage desktop

Mobile Viewport Key Pages

Syfy Now Example
Menu Opened
Dynamic Lead - Live Now instance
Watch, Schedule, Account, Sign out, Blastr, Blog, Games, Help, Contact, Social links
Menu Opened - Syfy customized options
Currently Live thumbnail and progress bar
Watch TV Overlay - Live Now
Video Player Live State
Live Player - Video data opened
Primetime Saturday selected, Dates/times nav across the top
Full Schedule - Primetime
Ghost keyword searched, 3 episodes, 1 show and 1 movie found
Search - Results


DL, Character Subnavigation, Live DL state
Laptop featuring homepage, character nav

Program Options

Live Programming, VOD Options, Mobile Viewport Examples
Telemundo Homepage and video player on Desktop and Mobile

Tablet Viewport

CNBC Opened Menus
Account, Live, primetime, pro, newsletter, app, social links
Hamburger Menu - Options
Live show info, next show, VOD
Watch Tv Menu - Live and videos on demand

Tablet Viewport

Ad Unit Enabled
Fashion Police in featured, random TV show episodes below
E! - Dynamic Lead/HomePage
Fashion Police in featured, random TV show episodes below
USA Network - Schedule Page