Promo Manager

Specialized dashboard systems are a fundamental tool used throughout NBCUniversal for project management, documentation, and time-sensitive information. The following projects included new systems, redesigns of old applications, and conceptual designs for proposals.
+ Promo Manager: Redesign. A financial planning system for tracking individual assets and quarterly costs. A cleaner and minimalist interface was part of the overhaul of this preexisting system. Added functionality included a new budget category for users. Visual design direction (+design on core pages), UX team reviews, minor UX/UI, icon redesign, project management (design team).
+ CCA (Corporate Contract Approval): New design. A contract creation and tracking application tool. Visual design direction (+design on core pages), minor UX/UI, icon design, final logo direction.
+ Video Content Dashboard: New design. A system for adding, tracking, and video management scheduling. Visual design direction, minor UX/UI.
+ APT (Affiliate Partnership Tool): Redesign. Overhaul of the existing system used by NBC and Telemundo Affiliate stations for creating and tracking messages, reports, show details & scheduling. Visual design direction, minor UX/UI.
+ AppManager (Mobile Application Manager): Conceptual comps. A company-wide accessible system devoted to tracking the creation and development of NBCUniversal apps and competitor information. UX/UI design, visual design, logo design.