NBC London Olympics

Design + Direction for nbcolympics.com
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The London Olympics made history by being the first time every Olympic event could be live-streamed by audiences through NBCOlympics.com.

The pre-game, game-time, and post-game branded site was the central hub for everything Olympics. It provided an in-depth look at all the athletes, countries, real-time rankings, schedules, video content, and host city highlights.

Designs extended beyond just the core website pages. Assets also included widgets, banner ads, countdown/game-time/count-up clocks, and style guidelines for NBC Affiliate stations. This content would live long after the games were over to encourage repeat viewings of these historic sporting events.

Video content was a principal focus. Cable users could access live streams of all sporting events through their MVPD using an easy-to-navigate sign-in process. Desktop, Android, and IOS platforms had support, and a free trial period was also available.

After 17 days, NBCOlympics.com had live-streamed 3,500+ hours of programming and set a record for multiple concurrent live streams. It broke all previous records for U.S. Olympic viewership and became the most‐watched U.S. TV event in history.


Game Time Version
Full Homepage showcasing key modules

MVPD Sign-In

Tablet View
Three screens showing sign-in process

Supporting Materials

Banners, Affiliate Partner Guide/Assets, Style Guidelines Countdown Clocks
Banner Ads and Cover of Partner Tool Kit
Page Examples of Guidelines and Asset Use

Results & Schedules

Wireframe Example* vs. Final Page (Calendar View)
Olympics Competition Schedule showing event and date
*Prepared by NBCU User Experience Design, for NBC Olympics
Specific Date selected, active sports highlighted with all sports listed

Results & Schedules

List & Grid Views
Three pages featuring Usain Bolt

Media Pages

Slideshow, Athlete Profile, Video
Three pages featuring Usain Bolt

List View & Article Page

Social Sharing, Commenting
Phelps Article