Schedule Ratings

Visual Design
Large monitor with graph data and tablet with chart settings


Schedule Ratings is a customizable internal web app used for comparing network and television show ratings.

A small group of high-level NBCU executives required a TV scheduling application for evaluating past and current data to inform future programming content and time slot choices. The data was not limited to just NBC programming but covered all the primary networks. The users needed the ability to connect their iPad devices to large-scale monitors in a meeting environment.

The graphical data can be fully customized and filtered according to network, demographics, specific shows, time-slots, and time of year. Multiple viewing options provide a direct comparison between data sets. Deeper data drill-downs allow for long-term analysis of original and regular TV programs.

Networks (Single Column Graph)

Graph drawer options with date selector
Laptop viewport showcasing season, program & chart types

Networks Chart

Graph Controls, Drill-down Details, Day Ratings
Three tablet views showcasing rating info


Direction on Final Design; Designed Rough Concepts
Main Logo on white background and Black Backgrounds
Final Logo Design
Alternative Logo treatments with title
Alternative Logo treatments with title
Logo Explorations

Demographics Chart

By Network, Range & Timeslot
Two tablets; chart controls and line graph views

All Graphs

4-up View
All Graphs View - Hidden Attributes
Graph key closed - Menu, pop-over and reloading screens
All Graphs View - Shown Attributes
Graph key opened - Chart details