Compass Express

TV Scheduling Application
Featured Project Image


Compass Express is an internal application used by NBCU's Cable and Broadcast networks for television scheduling.

Compass had been the default scheduling tool used by all of the NBCU networks. However, this complex system had become bloated with random features added with little consideration for the user experience or design. Small tasks required shifting through an overload of congested modules, menu options, and irrelevant data. There was no mobile accessibility which left users tethered to their computer desktops.

The client opted for a lightweight and supplemental version rather than overhauling the entire system. The primary use cases were identified through extensive interviews and reinterpreted into a visually clean and easy-to-use interface. Different data viewing options, user authorization features, search filtering and reformatted metadata make locating critical info fast and painless. The responsive nature allows system and data access on the go. Competitive network information was also included (unavailable in the full-featured Compass).

The original Compass remains the default scheduling system, while the user-friendly Compass Express supports the basic daily tasks required by the TV network teams throughout NBCUniversal.

Grid Display (Broadcast)

Competitor Networks
Laptop showing NBC as primary network

Menus (tablet view)

Date Picker, Network Selection Options, Day Part/Time Blocks
3 tablet views

List Display (Cable View)

Settings Menu, Episode Details, Editing Mode
Three horizontal tablets viewing the USA Network

Mobile Viewports

Secondary Pages: Shows, Movies, News
Shows listed vertically according to time and network
Grid View - Primary Network pinned
The Magicians episode information, edit option button at the bottom
Episode Info - Details on episode
The Magicians episode information, edit option button at the bottom
Events - Network/Show Tracking Options
Menu Opened
List View - Date/Time Set
Video Player
List View - Horizontal Scrolling
Search Results - Filtering Applied