NBCUniversal Intranet

Visual Direction, UI Design & UX Collaboration
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The myNBCU project was the front and back-end redesign and content migration of NBCUniversal’s company-wide VPN-based intranet.

The old WordPress portal was difficult to use, overloaded with outdated content, and a visual mess. NBCUniversal had also just completed a major rebrand, which only highlighted how outdated the intranet was within the larger organization.

A quick and minor visual reskin (see Original Site below) helped alleviate some of the rebrand disjointedness but served as a temporary band-aid.

An extensive Drupal-based system exploration combined with several RFP comps highlighted the possible direction for the new site. Technical features, a manageable content system, and a user-friendly interface (see RPF Concepts below) all showcased a completely reworked NBCU internal experience.

A UX deep-dive followed by a visual redesign brought a modular-based system to life. Editorially controlled templates served relevant resources and information across the organization. Employees could customize their dashboards, complete company-related tasks, and access materials on a digital platform.

Each Network TV brand (broadcast, cable, digital and local), internal NBCU employee groups (HR, Corporate Communications), and properties (Film, Parks, TV Studios) now had CMS control of their intranet content. Drupal training sessions were conducted company-wide for the appointed editors. A CMS Editorial Guidebook also helped reinforce content creation and management best practices.

A content migration conducted pre-launch involved populating the new site before handing control over to the designated editors. Valuable older content required reformatting to work with the new CMS. Articles, official company templates (including PPT, Docs, email signature standards), and organization-branded downloadable graphics were also visually rebranded. New graphical content helped highlight company resources that were now accessible online.

RFP Concepts

Rough visual comps for client proposal & discussion before deep-dive UX Discovery
(Modular, customizable, news, geolocation features)
Three comps showcasing possible visual and content directions

Original Site vs. New Redesign

Homepage Comparison
Original Homepage
Outdated WordPress site.
Existing content was fully rebranded and reformatted to work within the new CMS specifications
Homepage Redesign
New Drupal redesign; User Logged in at NYC location

Geolocation Imagery

NBCU branded content mapped to user location
Content Type page example with various page examples in the background
Starter content pre-uploaded for editors

Working at NBCU

News & Video Feed; Calender of Company Events; Event Page
Laptop Showcasing video player

Tools Page, myClassifieds

Resource links to customize the homepage with frequently used pages
Special links for custom selection
Classifieds page with filters applied

Error Pages

On-brand pages
3 pages with different error states

CMS Guidebook

Back-end instruction manual
Content Type page example with various page examples in the background
A pdf guideline outlining best CMS practices and editorial usage

Group/Brand Landing Page

Wireframe* vs. Final Page (6 tout options, related news, info)
BrandPage Wireframe
*Wireframe design by O&TS UX group (NBCU Tech)