You Be The Judge

Vancouver Olympics Interactive Skating Game
Featured Project Image


You Be The Judge was a gaming application incorporated directly into the NBC Olympics website and designed for the skating programming portion of the Vancouver Olympics.

The figure skating competitions were updated continuously on the NBC Olympics site. Live result data was a new feature. A real-time, interactive game helped highlight this by letting viewers judge the performances while watching NBC's Primetime live TV broadcast.

Two judging options were available for performance evaluation. The basic mode was a simple 1-10 scale for presentation and technical scores. The expert mode was directed toward skating-savvy fans and used the same system as the Olympic judges. Both options allowed the user to input data into a personal online scorecard while watching the performance from start to finish.

The final scores were tallied and posted online. The user could see how their rankings compared with other app users and the actual Olympic judges.

The app wasn't limited to real-time viewing. Users could also play along and judge previous performances using home DVRs or OnDemand videos through

Landing Page

Directions, Calendar of Events, Viewing Options
Landing Page

Site Map + Wireframe Example*

Landing Page (with notes)
*Prepared by NBCU User Experience Design, for NBC Olympics

Expert Mode

On Demand viewing option with post-event video
Expert Mode Technical Scorecard
Expert Mode Final Scores

Expert Scorecard

User Flow Details
Scorecard User Flow Examples

Basic Mode

Option for LIVE event
Basic Scorecard
Basic Scorecard Final Results